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Q - What is procedure for taking online CSS class at ANE FORUM?


A- For taking online CSS Classes at ANE – Forum following procedure I have

     1. Get register and after registration (if eligible) then ANE – CSS Software link will be sent to you where with help of FREE                      CONFERENCE   CALL you CAN take your classes (as per schedule).


     2. On ANE – Forum CSS YOU TUBE lecture you CAN listen and CAN prepare yourself YET here instead on in time along me only you will learn from YOU TUBE.



     3. For special attention if you needed then sent me message on my email: - and after approval by me I will guide to you with help direct audio and video conferences of ANE – Forum of CSS  


Q - CAN student ask question and how ?


A- YES - as each class time is 40 minutes and up to 40 students CAN take class at the same time SO that is why in each class out of 40 minutes 30 minutes are only to hear the topic of the day of CSS ( of the particular topic ) where as more effectively as each student will be provided his / her specific CSS ID with reference to this ID after 40 minutes class ( even ) you CAN write down your question on my official email


Q - Who are faculty members ? 


A- After teaching in multi colleges / universities ( multi subjects ) i started online teaching at my own under ANE - Forum so that is why up to 2023 i will be the only faculty member for all subjects of CSS for comprehensive guidance for CSS to stuDENTS. 


Q - How many lectures are given to cover the syllabus?


A. 5 Lectures per subject YET CCS ( CSS Counseling Strategy ) is adopted so that is why whole syllabus will be covered up by 5 lectures per subject. 





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